The Last of the True Believers
This is a piece about mental health based on the author’s own experiences. I have no learning or insight about mental health beyond my own experiences so, for God’s sake, don’t rely on anything in this. If you think you might need help, see a professional. I’m just an idiot on the internet. The comedian Steven Wright described depression as "anger without the enthusiasm", and I think there's a lot of truth in that. But as a high functioning depressive, I've found some energy left over for that. High Functioning means you have plausible deniability. You carry on seemingly okay, outwardly normal for most of the time, apart from the times you are not. For a long time, I denied it existed. Because I was fine, doing well, striving through life with a job, mortgage, family and everything. Wasn’t I? Those times I used to sit in the front of the car, with my infant son strapped into the back, weeping because I was terrified of letting him down. Of him finding out his father ...